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Sauna & Cold Plunge

We are super excited to introduce our brand new addition to Foxlake! For the full sauna and cold plunge experience, get your endorphins fired up with the hot and cold and get the positive health benefits of both.

+ 68 more dates
Various times per date
Foxlake Adventures
Dunbar, East Lothian, EH42 1XF


Please read our new rules on AGE before booking!

Whether you want to enjoy the communal nature and experience of the sauna or book out for a relaxing Private Hire with friends, we have many options available to suit your needs.

  • £10 per person for 30 minutes
  • Must be Aged 16+​

    Please note that Towels are now Mandatory to be used to sit on in the Sauna. Flip flops must be worn when walking between the sauna and plunge pool. Both can be purchased in the reception.

5 Sauna Sessions- £40
10 Sauna Sessions - £75

PRIVATE HIRE (Max 10 people)

  • £150 per hour
  • Age 6 to 15 only allowed in private sessions

(Please contact to book)

Under 16's must be accompanied by an adult (1:1 Ratio) and must wear a buoyancy aid when entering the cold plunge pool.

Foxlake Adventures An event by Foxlake Adventures


Foxlake Adventures, Dunbar, East Lothian, EH42 1XF

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